Global political dynamics are constantly evolving, shaping the way nations interact with each other on the international stage. In an increasingly interconnected world, cross-border...
Aaron Vincent Elkaim’s photography captured the historic moment when Wab Kinew, the son of an Anishinaabe chief, became the first First Nations premier in...
Paluck Kohli, a Toronto-based impact evaluation specialist, and her fiancé Ro, a financial data analyst, are both originally from India. However, when Ro received...
Today, politicians are often viewed negatively as they prioritize their own interests over those of their constituents. However, William A. Wheeler, the 19th Vice...
Thomas A. Hendricks was a lifelong Democrat who remained loyal to his party throughout his political career. He consistently voted along party lines, even...
Hannibal Hamlin, the first Vice-President under Abraham Lincoln, narrowly missed out on becoming President. He was replaced by Andrew Johnson only a month before...
During the early 20th century, the United States largely isolated itself from European and global affairs. However, Thomas R. Marshall, the 28th Vice President...
Garret Hobart, often considered one of the most influential vice presidents in history alongside Teddy Roosevelt and Martin van Buren, was not your average...
Adlai Stevenson I, the grandfather and namesake of Adlai Stevenson II, who later became the Governor of Illinois and a two-time unsuccessful Democratic candidate...
William R. King, the 13th Vice President during Franklin Pierce’s presidency, shared a unique bond with future president James Buchanan. The two men lived...